3 ways Martin Luther King, Jr. was a masterful marketer

Martin Luther King, Jr. was the kind of leader we might get once in a century, the kind that knows how to use the tools of communication and marketing to fulfill a noble purpose. We all know that King was an educated preacher, an incredible writer, a moving speaker, a husband, a father, and a friend. What's worth considering more is that he was also a masterful marketer and his success was attributable to his ability to do what all successful marketers must.

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Your biggest problem may be invisible (until you read this)

Think your real problem is lack of resources, of time, money, or skills? It may be even bigger than that. The biggest problems are usually the most invisible (and therefore the hardest to solve too). And when you do start to see the forest through the trees, they can seem insurmountable. But for those of us interested in impact, these problems are also the ones worth taking all the risks to solve.

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